Salim Chemes

Rosario - Santa Fe - Argentina

I am a Software Engineer. I write code. I do love work on mobile/web applications.

ng-rosario co-organizer.


Frontend Software Engineer

Aries Solutions
January 2024 - Current

Software Engineer

Pandora Intelligence
March 2021 - January 2024

Frontend Team Lead


Working on an angular application with .net core microservices

March 2019 - March 2021

Full Stack Team Lead

Alaska Air

As Full Stack Team Leader, working on desktop and mobile websites. Services mostly on WFC and REST apis

  • jquery, vanilla javascript, enzyme, jest, angular, jasmine, devops azure and jenkins. c#, wcf, rest api, soap services. Implementing isolated features with reactjs and microservices (azure api + functions)
  • March 2017 - March 2019

    Senior Software Engineer


    Working on new features on website and several API‘s client. Also involved in mobile hybrid apps.

  • ajax, angularJs, razor, MVC5, entity framework, ABCPdf, git, azure, javascript, jquery, web api, typescript, Ionic 2+, angular2+, unit test with karma and jasmine. gulp. webpack, rollup.
  • August 2014 - March 2017

    Senior Software Engineer

    Getty Images

    Working on Getty Images project developing web sites applications.

    • c#, git, tfs, mvc 3, spark, autofac, moq, unit test, specflow ,tdd - ddd, javacript, coffeescript, sass.
    September 2012 - August 2014

    Semi Senior Software Engineer


    Working on WebMD project developing web sites applications. Integration project using:

    • c#, mercurial, sql server 2008, wcf, jquery, javascript
    May 2011 - September 2012


    National Technology University

    Information Systems Engineer

    Certified Scrum Developer


    Microsoft Developer Certification

    MS 70-515: Web Application Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4


    • net
    • net core
    • c#
    • mvc
    • entity framework
    • nodejs
    • angularjs
    • angular
    • reactjs
    • javascript
    • jquery
    • azure
    • azure devops
    • docker
    • kubernetes


    Angular microfrontend with nx

    What is a microfrontend? When is it convenient to implement it? When (not) to use microfrontend? What companies use it? We focus on understanding and answering all these questions along with an example using nx and angular

    slides - linkedin

    Jun - 2024 - Rosario, Arg

    Global Error Handler And Application Insights

    The handling of errors in our app is one of the most important questions to solve. We will review what it is, how Angular helps us to implement it and also how to integrate it with Application Insights (azure cloud monitoring service)

    slides - youtube

    Apr - 2020 - Streaming

    Building Angular Apps with NgRx

    In complex projects it is necessary to define a strategy to manipulate the state of our application. Let's review what NgRx is (called the mystical machine), how it helps us make our implementations easier (and solve errors faster).

    We will also review when this solution is NOT convenient. We are going to talk about purely technical issues and experiences we face also.


    Nov - 2019 - Montevideo, Uruguay

    Angular Fundamentals

    We listen and read, in blogs, social networks, etc., more and more terms like: web applications, mobile apps, developments responsive, javascript frameworks, full stack developers, backend and frontend. You have to start modeling a professional profile and it is best to try to know all the edges by which you can walk in a profession like ours. That is why we will be showing you a technology that includes many of these terms we listed before: Angular.

    What is Angular? What is this for? How can we start a project with this framework? We will share basic concepts about the framework like:

    • Components
    • Modules
    • Directives
    • Services (DI)

    Finally, we will build an app and run it live.


    Sep - 2019 - Rosario, Arg

    Angular Architecture Planning

    We have to plan and design our application and it is time to make many decisions and prioritize. We know that our business is complex and it is important to balance the technical decisions and requirements of our client.

    How do I start? What is the simplest way to organize our project? How do I define my components / services? Which stage management strategy is best for my need? How do I avoid overkill? The unit test? Do we add Automation tests? And the security? Local logging, in the cloud or both?

    We will share different experiences and alternatives based on our needs to make the best decisions


    Aug - 2019 - Cordoba, Arg

    Building Hybrid Apps with Ionic

    Lets review ionic to see what is this framework about. Is ionic the best option for my need?.

    Will take a look on the main features and highlights


    2018 - Rosario, Arg


    Open URLs in Different Environments with Ease

    Do you often need to open the same URL in different environments? I created a Chrome extension to simplify this process for you. With this extension, you can open the current URL in a new tab, replacing only the host URL while keeping the rest of the path intact.

    Oct - 2024

    Analyzing Angular bundle with Source Map Explorer

    The source map explorer determines which file each byte in your minified code came from. It shows you an interactive tree-map visualization to help you debug where all the code is coming from.

    March - 2021

    Angular app to understand rxjs operators

    Angular app to see how rxjs operators work in action.

    March - 2021

    Optimising Angular Performance with ngx-hover-preload

    Preload a lazy-loaded route on mouse over a corresponding router link.

    January - 2021

    Angular hotkeys (we all love shortcuts!)

    Let's review how to implement hotkeys (shortcuts) on Angular apps.

    December - 2020

    Husky hooks in Angular 🐶

    Husky prevents push/commit changes to our repo that are not desired like tests failing or not well formatted files. If we try to commit something that is not correct, 🐶 will say: Woof!

    November - 2020

    Analyzing Angular bundle with Webpack Bundle Analyzer

    Let's take a look into our bundle to see what we find

    October - 2020

    Optimising Angular Performance with Lazy loading and Quicklink

    Code splitting with lazy loading and ngx-quicklink

    August - 2020

    How to implement ngrx-router-store

    What is, how it works and an example running

    June - 2020

    Deploying Angular app with Netlify in 3 steps

    Angular app deployed and running in 3 simple steps using Netlify

    May - 2020

    Reactive Forms, FormArrays and Custom Validators

    Let's review how to implement RF, FormArrays and Custom Validators in Angular with a cool example

    Apr - 2020

    Global Error Handler in Angular + Application Insight

    In this post we will implement errors globally in Angular and see how to integrate them with Application Insights (azure)

    Apr - 2020

    e2e experience with

    In this post we will take a look on cypress, an amazing framework to write automation test for our apps.

    Mar - 2019


    I am a co-organizer of ng-rosario. Our goal is to share knowledge and experiences related to angular and it's ecosystem.

    Tensorflowjs + Angular

    Speaker: Damian Sire. 14/4 - 19hs

    Angular y TailwindCSS juegan al balón pie

    Speaker: Patricio Vargas. 17/3 - 19hs